11/07/2016 - Permalink

Rare photos and documents show history of Shrewsbury swimming baths

Related topics: Leisure, culture and heritage

A selection of photographs and documents that offer a fascinating insight into the history of Shrewsbury’s swimming baths go on display at Shirehall in Shrewsbury this Wednesday (13 July 2016).

All of the items in the display are from the Shropshire Archives collection. They are being made available to view this week to coincide with Shropshire Council’s Cabinet considering a report into future swimming provision in Shrewsbury.

The swimming baths at the Quarry first opened in the 1890s, and new baths opened at the site in 1968.

Some of the photographs that will be on display are shown below.

Shrewsbury Baths, The Quarry, Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury Swimming Baths, The Quarry, Shrewsbury

The old and the new baths are shown in the above photograph, taken in 1968. The old baths remained in use while the new pool was being constructed. The old dome with its weather vane stands centrally in the picture, the present learner pool is now situated below it. The new baths were opened on 2 December 1968, just a few weeks after this was taken. Photograph courtesy of Shropshire Newspapers.

Shrewsbury Baths, The Quarry, Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury Swimmimg Baths – late 19th/early 20th century

Shrewsbury Baths, The Quarry, Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury Swimming Baths – late 19th/early 20th century

Shrewsbury Swimming Baths, The Quarry, Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury Swimming Baths – late 19th/early 20th century

Amongst the documents that will be on display are:

  • Minutes resolving that the the Quarry site be adopted, from 3 June 1890
  • The order of proceedings for the swimming baths foundation stone laying, from 2 May 1893
  • Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council minutes for a new bath scheme, from 1963
  • Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council minutes outlining the preparation for the opening ceremony of the new baths, from April 1970.

The display can be seen outside the main committee rooms at Shirehall from Wednesday 13 July.