Shropshire Libraries to receive copies of “Strength For The Journey”
Shropshire Libraries is to receive a gift of books to help those living with dementia.
Shifnal Library is hosting a dementia-friendly teatime on Thursday 4 June from 3pm to 4pm, and will welcome special guest Sarah Thorpe, support worker for Dementia-Friendly Churches in Shropshire.
On behalf of the Diocese of Lichfield, Sarah will present Shropshire Libraries with seven copies of “Strength for the Journey”, a new title in the Pictures to Share range for those with dementia. The book features a selection of powerful pictures and texts which can provide spiritual comfort for older people who have a Christian faith.
Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council’s Cabient member responsible for libraries, said:
“Thirteen Shropshire libraries now stock Reading Well Books on Prescription for Dementia collections and the titles are proving invaluable to families of those living with the condition. The gift of “Strength for the Journey” is a very welcome gesture, and copies will form a useful addition to our public library dementia offer.”
The Bishop of Shrewsbury, the Rt Rev Mark Rylands, said of “Strength for the Journey”:
“This beautiful book gives the opportunity for people to make profound faith connections. The words and the pictures can tap into the living waters of faith, resourcing and encouraging both people living with dementia and their carers. We have recently appointed Sarah Thorpe as a Dementia Support Officer to work with our churches in this area – and this post is a clear sign of our commitment to encourage and support dementia-friendly churches at the heart of dementia-friendly communities across Shropshire and beyond. We are working with others locally who are also passionate about supporting people living with dementia and their carers, recognising that we can do so much more by working together. So we are delighted to partner with Shropshire Libraries to make “Strength for the Journey” available to people across Shropshire.”
Sarah Thorpe is working across churches in north Shropshire in her role as Dementia Support Officer. She commented:
“As we work with local churches, we are finding there are so many connections we can make as we stay in step with people who are ‘learning new dance step’ as dementia progresses. It is brilliant that our local libraries provide such a good resource of books on dementia, recommended and endorsed by health professionals. Within these, the Pictures to Share series are wonderful to enjoy with people living with dementia – and we are delighted to give “Strength for the Journey” to share faith connections. It’s so good to see the church and the libraries collaborating in this way – and linking up with others in our community who are passionate in their support for people living with dementia, including the local Alzheimer’s Society and the local Memory Service.”
For more information on the Reading Well Books on Prescription for Dementia titles stocked by Shropshire Libraries, contact or ring 01743 255031.
For more information on Sarah Thorpe’s work with local churches, contact her on or 07982 248949.
For more information about Dementia support contact Shropshire’s Alzheimers Society on 01743 341800 or click here.
For information about the national Dementia Awareness Day 2015 visit To find out how to become a Dementia Friend go to
Please keep an eye on twitter @livelifeyourway, @ShropTogether and @shropcouncil #DAW2015 #DoSomethingNew for updates and further information throughout the week.