19/02/2014 - Permalink

IT hub launch at Victoria Hall in Broseley

Related topics: Community

There will be an open morning at The Victoria Hall in Broseley on Thursday 27 February 2014 to promote the launch of the new community IT Hub.  It’s between 10am and midday, and everyone is welcome.  Shropshire Council is supporting this event.

The new facilities will offer IT learning opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.  The project is run by local volunteers who will be offering one-to-one support for beginners as well as a range of workshops in digital photography, Internet shopping and jobhunting online.  Local residents are welcome to come along to the launch, have a cup of tea and discuss their interests.  The volunteers are keen to find out what sort of things people would like to learn, and how the Internet connection in the hall may be put to best use for the community.

Derek Redfern, Chair of the Victoria Hall Committee, said:-

“We hope people will come along and see what is on offer.  We particularly want to hear from people who have never used a computer before.  If you have a friend or relative who might benefit, please bring them along.”

Based on feedback from local residents at the launch, volunteers will then look to run a range of IT learning activities that best meet the needs of village residents.

For more information please contact Derek on 01952 883444 or visit www.shropshirebroadplaces.org.uk.