Get involved and make a difference at housing AGM
News from our partners Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing
If you are a Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing tenant and would like the chance to discuss and help in making decisions affecting your home, then come along to Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing’s first Annual General Meeting.
The meeting will be held in Shrewsbury on Thursday 10 October 2013. Transport to the meeting and light refreshments will be provided.
All tenants will have the opportunity to participate, meet staff and board members, as well as listen to progress so far and learn about the organisation’s plans for the future.
Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing Ltd took responsibility for the management of all 4,200 Shropshire Council-owned homes in the Oswestry and Bridgnorth areas in April 2013. The organisation manages homes and neighbourhoods; collects rent, orders repairs, and makes improvements to all housing.
Sue Adams, Managing Director for Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing, is encouraging all tenants to come along to the meeting. Sue said:
“We are responsible for managing tenants’ homes and neighbourhoods, and are committed to ensuring these neighbourhoods are safe, active and healthy, and places people choose to live. Our vision is to listen to our residents and, together, create quality homes and vibrant communities.
“These are exciting times for Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing, and as this is our very first AGM, we want to make sure as many of our tenants as possible come along to the meeting.”
Booking is essential. For more information about the event and to book your place, contact Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing on 07582 003701 or email