09/07/2013 - Permalink

Police experts to give talk on home security measures

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The Craven Arms and Rural Local Joint Committee (LJC) will be welcoming Charles Naylor, West Mercia Police’s crime reduction manager for Shropshire, to their next meeting on Wednesday 17 July 2013 at Aston-on-Clun Village Hall at 7pm. 

Charles Naylor will be giving an overview of measures that residents and businesses can take to reduce the risk of being a victim of rural crime.  There will also be samples of home safety products on display to give an idea of the types of products available to purchase. 

We are also asking residents to come along and raise any flooding concerns, in  a new standing item on the agenda. 

George Candler, Shropshire Council’s Director of Commissioning, will be there to provide an overview of the local commissioning pilot project in Church Stretton, which has been testing out new ways to deliver services to a higher standard and in a more timely and more economical manner, and the plans to expand the project to other areas of the county.   

David Evans, chairman of the LJC, said: 

“We are all aware that we live in a low crime area, but there are occasional spikes in crime, and those of us living in more remote rural areas need to consider our own security measures.  The meeting will give us all a chance to be more informed and take steps to protect our homes and outbuildings.”   

The meeting will also include an update from the Craven Arms local policing team regarding local crime and safety, and reports on news and events from the parishes that form the LJC. 

The committee will also consider funding applications that have been received since the last meeting.  Everyone is welcome to attend, and to take part in the discussions. 

There will be tours of the village shop from 6pm, and an overview of the village shop project will be given in the main meeting. 

For more information on the meeting please contact Lisa Bedford, Shropshire Council’s community action officer for the area, on 01584 838241 or by emailing lisa.bedford@shropshire.gov.uk.