04/07/2013 - Permalink

Chance to see proposals for development in west Shrewsbury

Related topics: Community

West Shrewsbury consultation draft masterplan - July 2013

Shropshire Council is seeking the views of Shrewsbury and Bicton parish residents on proposals for major new development off Welshpool Road, as part of the Shrewsbury West ‘sustainable urban extension’.

The council is holding public exhibitions on Thursday 4 July and Thursday 18 July 2013, where a consultation draft masterplan is being presented regarding the development of 750 new homes, up to 12ha of employment land, a new Oxon Link Road between the A5 Bypass and the Holyhead Road, and a new expanded local centre.

The masterplan is being prepared in response to the adoption of the council’s Core Strategy, which identifies this area of the town as a strategic location for development, and will guide this future development.

Mal Price, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for built environment, said:

“These exhibitions are an opportunity for people to see and comment on the proposals as they emerge for this major development area.”

The exhibitions are being held at the following locations.

Thursday 4 July, 2pm to 6.30pm – Christ Church Oxon with Shelton Community Hall, Welshpool Road, Bicton Heath, SY3 5AH.

Thursday 18 July, 3pm to 8pm – The Grapes Inn, Welshpool Road, Bicton Heath, SY3 5BH.

There will also be an opportunity to see the exhibition at Bicton Heath Co-op between 8 July and 14 July.

You can also view the draft masterplan at www.shrewsburywest.org from 4 July 2013.

For more information on planning policy for the Shrewsbury area, please visit the planning policy pages of Shropshire Council’s website at shropshire.gov.uk/planningpolicy.nsf, or call 0345 678 9000.

The exhibition is being held by Shropshire Council in conjunction with the promoters of the planned development, with the draft masterplan prepared by consultants RPS Planning & Development.