Removal of Smithfield Road pedestrian refuge discussed at scrutiny
The removal of Smithfield Road pedestrian refuge in Shrewsbury was discussed at Shropshire Council’s Protecting and Enhancing the Environment Scrutiny Committee last night (Monday 9 July 2012) after the decision was called in by a local Shrewsbury councillor, Mansel Williams.
Around 15 people attended the meeting to put forward their thoughts on whether the refuge should be removed or not.
The report stated that, since the refuge had been installed, significant improvements had been made to the crossings at Raven Meadows and the Welsh Bridge. These have provided an opportunity to add measures for pedestrians and cyclists, meaning that there is now a continuous cycle route between the Welsh Bridge and Raven Meadows, mostly on the river side of the road, with a safe crossing point. Also, after two years the refuge is continuing to cause disruption to motorists.
People in support of the refuge suggested that, as well as providing a safe point for pedestrians and cyclists to cross, it is an important and proven traffic-calming measure on one of the busiest roads in the town.
After much discussion, the committee put forward a recommendation that the refuge should be removed.
Vince Hunt, Shropshire Council’s Chair of Protecting and Enhancing the Environment Scrutiny Committee, said:
“There was lots of interest in this pedestrian refuge and I’m pleased that people came along to share their views.”
The refuge was installed in September 2010 following representations made to the council for a crossing at this location to link the riverside with Roushill.
Other topics discussed at the committee included a permit scheme for roadworks, a report on the choice-based lettings task and finish group, and the waste PFI management review.