30/07/2012 - Permalink

Central planning committee decisions

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following planning applications were considered and decided by Shropshire Council’s central planning committee at its meeting on Thursday 26 July 2012.

Lea Hall Farm, Lea Cross

Erection of a 500kW Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Plant for the purpose of farm diversification and for the production of renewable energy. To include an AD digester tank, a digestate store, a storage building, storage tank, static feeder, feedstock clamps, CHP plant, transformer, substation and associated works.
Decision: APPROVED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations, subject to the following additional conditions:

  • The use of external lighting shall only be permitted when work is being carried out during the permitted hours of operation.
  • No development approved by this permission shall commence until the applicant, or their agent or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation (WSI). This written scheme shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works.

Percy Thrower’s Garden Centre, Oteley Road, Shrewsbury

Re-development to include demolition of all existing buildings; erection of garden centre with restaurant and external sales; erection of A1(retail) food store; erection of 7 retail units; formation of new vehicular/pedestrian accesses; road improvements; formation of internal roads, pedestrian/cycle links; car/coach parking; service areas; 2.4m high boundary fencing; creation of public open space and landscaping scheme.
Decision: APPROVED SUBJECT TO S106 AGREEMENT – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations, subject to:

  • Authority being delegated to the Area Planning Manager to hold further discussions with the applicants in respect of proposed Conditions 23 and 24 to determine the exact nature of the products to be permitted to be sold at both the foodstore and the garden centre development.
  • The inclusion of an additional condition prohibiting the future amalgamation of the 7 small retail units into larger units.
  • Referral of the application to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to ensure that he does not wish to ‘call-in’ the application for determination.

Sutton Cycle Track Path, Sutton Road, Shrewsbury

Erection of a 16 metre high column with associated 1.5 metre high equipment cabinet (amended description).
Decision: APPROVED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.

Land off Greenfields Recreation Ground, Falstaff Street, Shrewsbury

Outline application for the erection of 8 no. dwellings to include allotment space and means of access.
Decision: APPROVED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations, subject to the reserved matters being submitted to the Committee for determination.

145 Monkmoor Road, Shrewsbury

Erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings to include new access following demolition of existing dwelling.
Decision: Amended scheme with the provision of two parking spaces at the front of the dwellings APPROVED.

Land at Chapel Close, Bomere Heath

Mixed residential development comprising 12 dwellings following demolition of 12 bungalows; refurbishment of 6 existing bungalows including erection of single storey extensions; associated landscaping works.
Decision: APPROVED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations, subject to consultations between the officers, parish council and applicant on the discharge of conditions.

Meadow Bank Farm, Cantlop Road, Condover

Construction of an earth bank slurry lagoon.
Decision: APPROVED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.

27 Granville Street, Shrewsbury

Erection of a two storey side extension, single storey rear extension including insertion of rooflight, conversion of roof space including insertion of rear dormer window and rooflights to front elevation.
Decision:APPROVED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.

Retail Unit adjacent to Minsterley Garage, Station Road, Minsterley

Change of use from A1 to A5 Hot food takeaway.
Decision: Consideration DEFERRED to the next meeting to enable Members to undertake a site visit.

To see the full agenda and reports, click here.

For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.