17/07/2012 - Permalink

2011 Census results – first release

Related topics: Community / Democracy

On Monday 16 July 2012 the initial data of the 2011 Census was released for Shropshire. 

The Census shows the current population now standing at 306,100 in Shropshire.  This is an increase of 8% since the 2001 Census count of 283,173. 

In England and Wales, the population is 56,075,900.  This is an increase of 8% since 2001, when the population was 52,041,916. 

The older population (65 and over) has now reached 63,400 in Shropshire.  This is an increase of 24% since the last 2001 Census which recorded a population of 51,194.  The elderly population (85 years and over) in Shropshire is now 8,400 compared to the 2001 Census count of 6,211, an increase of 35%. 

To compare with England and Wales, the population of those 65 years and over is now 9,223,000, an increase of 11% since the 2001 population figure of 8,312,774.  The elderly population (85 years and over) in England is now 1,254,700 compared to the 2001 Census count of 1,012,405, an increase of 24%. 

From the 2011 Census the male population for Shropshire is now 151,600 and the female population is 154,500.  This is an increase of 8% and 8% respectively.  In 2001 the total male population was 140,108 and the total female population was 143,066 for Shropshire. 

The new 2011 Census shows we now have 129,700 households in Shropshire, compared to 117,301 households in the 2001 Census.  This is an increase of 11% between 2001 and 2011.  The 2011 Census has recorded 23,366,000 households for England and Wales, compared to 21,660,475 households recorded in the 2001 Census.  This is an increase of 8% between 2001 and 2011. 

Mal Price, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for strategic planning, said:

“The Census figures are instrumental in assuring  our public services are allocated the correct amount of money according to the population, as well as having massive implications for the future planning of the county.” 

The Census is a form filled out by every household in the UK every ten years to give a head count of the city and build up a one-off document of the characteristics of the nation. 

For more information of facts and figures for Shropshire, and information on further data to be released for the 2011 Census, visit our website: http://shropshire.gov.uk/factsfigures.nsf or click here.    

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Notes to editor

The 2001 Census stated Shropshire had a population of 283,173;, this means we have had an overall (rounded) increase of 306,100 in 10 years.

The 2001 Census recorded a population of 51,194 for those aged 65 years and older in Shropshire and 6,211 of those aged 85 years and older in Shropshire.  The 2011 Census states those aged 65 years and older in Shropshire now number 63,400 and those 85 years and older number 8,400.

To compare with England, there was a 65 years and older population in 2001 of 8,312,744 and 85 years and older 954,024; and in 2011 a 65 years and older population of 9,223,000 and 85 years and older 1,254,700.