South planning committee decisions – 5 April 2011
A summary of decisions made by Shropshire Council’s South Planning Committee at its meeting in Bridgnorth on 5 April 2011.
10/04845/MAW – Stourbridge Road Ind Est, Faraday Drive, Bridgnorth
Description: Construction and operation of an integrated waste management facility comprising a waste transfer station, household recycling centre, waste collection depot (comprising refuse collection vehicle parking, warehousing, offices) and associated infrastructure.
Decision: That planning permission be GRANTED for the construction and operation of an integrated Waste Management Facility comprising a waste transfer station, household recycling centre, a waste collection depot (consisting of refuse collection vehicle parking, warehousing and offices/welfare facilities) and associated infrastructure, subject to the conditions as set out in the report and the additional conditions and corrections as detailed in the update sheet, and subject to Condition No. 23 being amended to ensure ongoing noise monitoring takes place, including refuse collection vehicles leaving the site in the morning, the setting up of a Site Liaison Group, and to the applicant paying the cost of the Road Traffic Order introducing parking restrictions on part of Faraday Drive.
10/05493/FUL – Swancote Country Club, Swancote, Bridgnorth
Description: Construction of a recreational fishing pool.
Decision: That planning permission be refused for the following reason: Inadequate information on the construction of the lake and associated works, including pathways, has been submitted to assess the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area.
11/00133/FUL – The Cottage, 2 Much Wenlock Road, Farley, Much Wenlock
Description: Erection of extension and raising of roof line to create first floor including insertion of roof lights to existing garage.
Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
11/00192/FUL – Gemini, Caynton Road, Beckbury, Shifnal
Description: Erection of a two storey and single storey side extensions including insertion of rooflights.
Decision: That planning permission be granted, subject to a maximum number of 4 windows being installed in the south west side elevation of the extension. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the adjacent residential property.
11/00521/VAR – Oldbury House, Oldbury Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire
Description: Removal of condition number 5 (Occupancy) attached to planning permission reference 03/0682 dated 14 October 2003 to allow the annex to be occupied independently to Oldbury House.
Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Further information about each of the applications can be found on the Shropshire Council website at, where you can search for each application using the appropriate reference.