28/04/2011 - Permalink

Parking arrangements for town centre residents in Market Drayton, Wem, Ellesmere and Whitchurch

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A new parking strategy for Shropshire has resulted in new car parking charges being introduced in a number of north Shropshire towns, and there is now a much fairer and consistent approach to car parking across the county.

Charges were introduced in Market Drayton and Wem on 1 April 2011, and they will be introduced in Ellesmere on Wednesday 4 May following a short delay to establish which streets will be eligible for residents’ permits.  Charges are due to be introduced in Whitchurch later in the year.

Shropshire Council recognises that the introduction of charges in town centre car parks may lead to people parking in residential streets to avoid paying to park.  In addition, some people who live in town centres do not have private parking and have previously relied on off-street public car parks, and in some cases on-street parking, which has been free.

In response to this, and to be consistent with other towns where charging is already in place, residents’ parking zones will be introduced later this year.  In the meantime, residents who wish to regularly use a car park can buy a normal one-month season ticket for £27, which will be renewed without further charge until the legal process of establishing which properties are eligible for a residents’ season ticket within a specified car park is complete.

Once the legalities are completed later this year, those eligible residents can buy an interim £50 annual residents’ permit if they still wish to use the car parks, but reduced by £27 to reflect the amount they have already paid.  This permit will cover the 12-month period from the date of the first monthly season ticket issued.

Over the next 12 months, these arrangements will be reviewed as the council looks at on-street and off-street parking provision.  Where the council can provide on-street residents’ parking, permits are proposed to be £50 per year, and off-street permits are due to be £110.  Residents will be consulted before any changes are made next year.

Only residents living in certain streets will be eligible for these schemes.  Residents who currently park on these streets will be able to continue to park for free until the parking zones are in place.  Notices will be put up in affected car parks, published in the Shropshire Star, and every property included will receive a letter in the coming weeks.

Councillor Martin Taylor-Smith, Shropshire Council Cabinet member for transport, said:

“The parking strategy has been introduced to make parking charges fairer across the county, and we hope people understand the need to bring in charges at these car parks.  On the whole we have kept the charges as low as possible, and in some cases the first hour is free or it’s only 10p for two hours.  We appreciate this may lead to some inconvenience for residents, but feel a permit scheme is a fair way of enabling people to use these car parks on a regular basis.”

To buy a monthly season ticket, or residents’ permit in due course, contact your local customer service point, call 0345 678 9019, email customer.service@shropshire.gov.uk or write to Shropshire Council, Shropshire Parking Service, PO Box 4751, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.  You will need to provide proof of address, such as a copy of a recent utility bill.

The relevant car parks and streets which will be eligible for residents’ parking permits are listed below.


The following streets will be included in a town centre residents’ zone, making them eligible for a residents’ permit for Cross Street/Talbot Street car park:

Willow Street – odd numbers 3 – 25 only

Market Street – all

High Street – all

Watergate Street – all

Wharf Road – all

Cross Street – even numbers 2 – 24 only

St.  John’s Hill – even numbers 2 – 28 and odd numbers 1 – 19 only

Birch Road – numbers 1 – 24 only

Scotland Street – odd numbers 1 – 13 and even numbers 2 – 44 only

The following residents will be eligible for Sparbridge car park:

Sparbridge – all

Market Drayton

Towers Lawn no. 2 car park :

Cheshire Street – all and Rodenhurst Flats

Shropshire Street  – odd numbers 1 – 45 and even numbers 4 – 30 only

High Street – all

Stafford Street – even numbers 2 – 22 and odd numbers 3 – 39 only

Queen Street – all

The Burgage – all


Mill Street car park:

Barnard St – all

Mill Street – even numbers 4 – 30 only

High Street car park:

High Street – numbers 1 – 76 only

Leek Street – all

Chapel Street  – all

Market Street – all

Crown Street – all

Noble Street – all

New Street – odd numbers 1- 9 only, and odd numbers 17 – 77  only


The list for Whitchurch is yet to be confirmed, and the start date for charging will be publicised when agreed.