South planning committee decisions – 22 March 2011
A summary of decisions made by Shropshire Council’s South Planning Committee at its meeting in Ludlow on 22 March 2011.
Application | Description | Decision |
10/05385/FUL The Redfern10 Lower Street Cleobury Mortimer Shropshire | Change of use of former hotel into 5 one-bedroom apartments and 3 one-bedroom maisonettes. | That planning permission be granted subject to the prior completion of a S106 Agreement to secure either on-site affordable housing provision or a contribution to off-site affordable housing. |
11/00378/OUT Eco Business Park (Phase 2)Sheet Road Ludlow | Outline application (access) for the development of a health facility (Use Class C2) to provide a community hospital and two general practice surgeries (Use Class D1) and ancillary uses including pharmacy and café, associated infrastructure, parking and access. | That outline consent be granted, as per the updated conditions and informatives detailed in the update sheet. |
11/00457/FUL GreycoteActon Bishops Castle Shropshire | Erection of extension to dwelling, alterations to existing vehicular access and formation of new driveway. | That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. |
Further information about each of the applications can be found on the Shropshire Council website at, where you can search for each application using the appropriate reference.