24/03/2011 - Permalink

South planning committee decisions – 22 March 2011

Related topics: Democracy

A summary of decisions made by Shropshire Council’s South Planning Committee at its meeting in Ludlow on 22 March 2011.


The Redfern10 Lower Street

Cleobury Mortimer


Change of use of former hotel into 5 one-bedroom apartments and 3 one-bedroom maisonettes.That planning permission be granted subject to the prior completion of a S106 Agreement to secure either on-site affordable housing provision or a contribution to off-site affordable housing.

Eco Business Park (Phase 2)Sheet Road


Outline application (access) for the development of a health facility (Use Class C2) to provide a community hospital and two general practice surgeries (Use Class D1) and ancillary uses including pharmacy and café, associated infrastructure, parking and access.That outline consent be granted, as per the updated conditions and informatives detailed in the update sheet.


Bishops Castle


Erection of extension to dwelling, alterations to existing vehicular access and formation of new driveway.That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


Further information about each of the applications can be found on the Shropshire Council website at www.shropshire.gov.uk/planningregister, where you can search for each application using the appropriate reference.