Cabinet to discuss proposals on education in Shropshire
Shropshire Council’s Cabinet will discuss a report next week (Tuesday 15 February) detailing recommendations about specific changes to the current organisation
of schools.
On 24 November 2010 Cabinet approved the latest round in an extensive process of consultation looking at the future of education in Shropshire. The consultation has taken place to give schools, their communities and partners the opportunity to look further at the challenges in their local areas and to consider possible solutions. They have discussed a variety of possible ways in which to move towards improved and more efficient education in the county.
These area meetings have included chairs of governors, headteachers, diocesan directors of education and elected councillors considering what is currently provided and the pressures faced, to come up with options to address the challenges in
their areas.
Councillor Aggie Caesar-Homden, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children and young people’s services, said:
“The report is asking Cabinet to agree to consult on the proposals and I want to stress that at this stage no decisions have been made about the future of education in the county.
“This has been a cross-party project, with all political parties working together to look at education in Shropshire. We all recognise the need for change and for long term solutions that will provide Shropshire children with excellent education for years to come.
“By holding 16 area meetings across the county, looking in depth at the problems schools are facing, we have listened and identified where the obvious pressures are. We have been able to work with school communities to come up with solutions that suit their surrounding area, because they know their own areas and issues best.”
The area meetings follow four months of far-reaching consultation on the vision and policy for education in Shropshire which included listening to, and taking account of, the views of young people, schools, governors, headteachers, parents and the
wider community.
If Cabinet agrees to proceed, consultation on proposals for any changes will start on 28 February 2011 and will last for six term-time weeks in accordance with Government guidelines.
Cabinet will also be asked to agree the phased introduction of a new Shropshire schools funding formula, beginning 1 April 2011. Members of the Local Schools Forum have voted unanimously in favour of this.