03/11/2011 - Permalink

Have your say on your local environmental maintenance service

Related topics: Community

Shropshire Council is asking Shropshire’s residents and businesses to have their say on the environmental maintenance service in Shropshire.

The environmental maintenance teams are responsible for street cleaning, grounds maintenance, highways and removal of flytips, graffiti, and dog fouling, in order to keep Shropshire a clean and pleasant place to live and do business in.

In order to improve the service, the views of Shropshire communities and visitors are crucial to ensure an effective and cost-efficient service that provides a sense of satisfaction, safety and contributes to the local economy through supporting visitor and tourist economies.

The survey is part of a national survey being co-ordinated by APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence).  Once the results are in, Shropshire Council can compare results with other councils who are completing the same survey, to find any improvements that can be made in the delivery of services and ensure value for money.

A copy of the survey is available on Shropshire Council’s website.  All town and parish councils have been sent the survey, as well as a cross section of residents who will receive a survey through the post.  Shropshire Council encourages people to return the surveys, and help influence the service provided.

Councillor Martin Bennett, Shropshire Council’s deputy Cabinet member, said:

“ We hope that people will have their say and take part in this survey.

“We want to fit our service around the needs of people in Shropshire and by finding out what people think of the service, and by comparing ourselves to other councils, we can identify any improvements that can be made.”

The survey is live until Wednesday 30 November 2011.