24/09/2024 - Permalink

New stop smoking service launches ahead of Stoptober

Related topics: Health

Shropshire Healthy Lives Service launches Smokefree initiative

Shropshire Council’s Healthy Lives Service have launched a new stop smoking service ahead of the national Stoptober campaign which encourages smokers to join the thousands of others who are committing to quitting for the month of October and beyond.

Shropshire Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service graphic

Shropshire Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service graphic

Shropshire Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service is a comprehensive program designed to help residents quit smoking and lead healthier lives. The service has been made possible thanks to additional government funding and offers free, confidential support from specialist stop smoking advisors to help individuals on their journey to becoming non-smokers.

Stopping smoking is one of the most significant steps an individual can take to improve their health. Research demonstrates that stopping smoking can drastically reduce the risk of numerous health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and various forms of cancer. It is never too late to quit, and the benefits of stopping smoking can be felt almost immediately.

Shropshire Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service is available to:

  • All tobacco smokers aged 12 years and over
  • Individuals residing in Shropshire
  • People registered with a Shropshire GP who seek support to quit smoking

How to access the service

Individuals can book online or call to arrange an appointment at a range of community venues. Clients will meet their dedicated stop smoking advisor, who will guide them through the quitting process. The initial consultation will last up to 30 minutes, during which the advisor will provide a comprehensive overview of the support available. Over the following three months, clients will receive regular one-on-one sessions designed to:

  • Help set a realistic quit date
  • Manage nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • Offer effective guidance and support to change smoking habits
  • Conduct regular carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring

Councillor Cecilia Motley, Cabinet member for public health and adult social care said:

“Thanks to grant funding, our new Healthy Lives Stop Smoking service will offer a specialist service to help smokers in the county, to quit smoking and improve their health and wellbeing.

“This is a significant step towards promoting a healthier community. By providing accessible and effective support, our Healthy Lives service is empowering individuals to take control of their health and embrace a smokefree future.

“It’s never too late to quit smoking. For those ready to quit, Shropshire Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service promises comprehensive assistance and support every step of the way.”

Dr. Jess Harvey, a local GP, also expressed her enthusiasm for the new service, stating:

“I am thrilled to see the launch of such a comprehensive stop smoking service in our community. Smoking cessation is one of the most effective ways to improve public health, and I am confident that this service will make a significant difference in the lives of many residents.

“The support provided by the Shropshire Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service is invaluable, and I encourage all smokers to take advantage of this opportunity to quit smoking for good.”

To find out more and book an appointment visit www.shropshire.gov.uk/stopsmoking

For those unable to book online or who require additional assistance, appointments can be made by calling 0345 6789 028 between 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Further information

Shropshire’s Healthy Lives Service is dedicated to improving the overall health and wellbeing of residents across the county. By offering tailored programs and expert advice, the service strives to support individuals in making healthier lifestyle choices.

Shropshire Healthy Lives Stop Smoking Service has been funded by The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) which is a government unit within the Department of Health and Social Care  that leads national efforts to improve public health policy across England.

The body is a successor organisation to Public Health England, and is responsible for health improvement and public health functions along with NHS England. ,

  • The Government has committed to support local stop smoking services with £70m additional funding for five years (2024/25 to 2028/29).
  • Grant agreement covers the first 12 months of the programme.