17/04/2023 - Permalink

95% of children offered place at their first choice primary school

Related topics: Children's services

Families in Shropshire today (Monday 17 April 2023) find out whether their children have been offered a reception place at their preferred primary schools this September.

The figures for the Shropshire Council area are:-

Total number of applications: 2,619
Number allocated their 1st preference: 2,504 (95.6%)
Number allocated their 2nd preference: 76 (2.9%)
Number allocated their 3rd preference: 12 (0.5%)
Number allocated one of their preferred schools: 2,592 (99%)
Number allocated an alternative school: 27 (1%)

For comparison, the figures for 2022 were:-

Total number of applications: 2,705
Number allocated their 1st preference: 2,559 (94.6%)
Number allocated their 2nd preference: 89 (3.3%)
Number allocated their 3rd preference: 21 (0.8%)
Number allocated one of their preferred schools: 2,669 (98.7%)
Number allocated an alternative school: 36 (1.3%)

Kirstie Hurst-Knight, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children and education, said:-

“We are really pleased that more than 95% of pupils will be going to their first preference primary school in 2023.

“Shropshire Council works hard to ensure that as many children as possible are able to attend their preferred school.

“Although it is not possible in every case, 99% of applicants will attend one of their top three preferred schools, and all applicants have been offered a place.”