Latest Five-Year Housing Land Supply Statement for Shropshire published
Shropshire Council has published the latest Five-Year Housing Land Supply Statement for Shropshire. This annual review of housing land supply is an important part of the planning process to determine whether there is enough deliverable housing land available over the next five years.
The assessment concludes that in Shropshire, enough land is currently available to meet both the requirements of the Local Plan and local housing need, which is calculated using an approach established by the Government.
Specifically, it concludes that there is enough deliverable housing land for 5.6 years when considered against the housing requirement within the Local Plan, and 7.2 years when considered against local housing need.
A new draft Local Plan for Shropshire is currently being ‘examined’ by the Government. This document will have an important role to play in ensuring that a strong housing land supply can be shown in the future.
Richard Marshall, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways and regulatory services which includes planning services, said:-
“We believe this is key for managing planning development in Shropshire.
“Having a Five-Year Housing Land Supply means the Local Plan for Shropshire continues to form the starting point when determining if a development can go ahead, and thereby allowing more control over the type and location of new housing development in Shropshire.”
The council’s latest Five-Year Housing Land Supply Statement