Closure of Walkmill Bridge in Market Drayton
Walkmill Bridge in Market Drayton will be closed to traffic on Monday 12 September 2011 for up to two weeks to enable repairs to be carried out to it.
The repairs are necessary as a result of severe accident damage caused to the bridge parapet in June 2011 by two heavy goods vehicles.
The repair work will involve taking down the damaged area of the parapet and then rebuilding it with the existing stone. Some new coping stones will need to be cut to replace stone that is too badly damaged for reuse.
Also, a new 18 tonne weight limit will be installed over the bridge to try to prevent HGVs using this route in the future.
When the bridge is closed the traffic will be diverted via Sutton and The Four Alls.
Access over the bridge for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will remain available at all times.
Councillor Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for transport said:
“It is appreciated that the closure of the bridge to traffic may cause inconvenience, and every reasonable effort will be made to reopen it as soon as possible.”