Proposal to permanently close part of Crowmeole Lane, Shrewsbury, to motor vehicles
A stretch of Crowmeole Lane, Shrewsbury, could be closed to all motor vehicles except buses, to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
The plans for a permanent ‘point closure’ are being recommended for approval by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet at their meeting on 23 March 2022, and would then be subject to public consultation before being implemented.
The section of Crowmeole Lane from its junction with Rad Valley Road over the narrow Radbrook bridge to its most northerly junction with Sandiway – and vice versa – has been closed to traffic except for buses, cyclists and pedestrians since March 2021 as part of a trial that is due to end in September this year.
Under the trial closure motor vehicles are prevented from using this stretch of road, though buses, cyclists and pedestrians can continue to do so. However traffic surveys also show that a number of vehicles are ignoring the closure, creating an unsafe environment for people cycling and walking.
The results of a public consultation exercise indicate that there is support for trialling a follow-up scheme with enforcement measures in place to prevent drivers from contravening the road closure.
As a result, it is being proposed to implement a permanent closure of the road to all but cyclists and pedestrians and use ANPR cameras to deter vehicles and encourage more active travel use.
Ian Nellins, Cabinet member with responsibility for active travel, said:
“The current trial closure uses signage only and the lack of physical barriers has compromised the effectiveness of this scheme – evidenced by the number of drivers who ignore the point closure and drive through it.
“The proposed permanent follow-up closure would prevent through access by all vehicles, except buses and would allow for a safer corridor for pedestrians and cyclists.”
There is a low frequency of buses along this stretch of road, with only one bus in each direction every hour, from 9.34am to 4.41pm Monday to Saturday.
Further information
1. The closure would be implemented under the new Civil Enforcement of Road Traffic Contraventions (Approved Devices, Charging Guidelines and General Provision) Regulations 2022, which comes into force on the 31 May 2022. These regulations have been introduced by the Government to allow councils outside of London to have the necessary legislative enforcement powers (under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004) to encourage behavioural shift towards sustainable travel choices by keeping pedestrian and cycle facilities clear of obstructing vehicles to promote cycling.
It supports the commitment made by the Prime Minister in launching the Government’s broader policy to further promote Active Travel choices, post COVID-19, in its policy document ‘Gear Change – A Bold Vision for Walking and Cycling’.
2. Crowmeole Lane is a long winding corridor with numerous pinch-points and blind-spots along its length and limited footway provision. It provides a key north-south connection between the Radbrook and Meole areas to the south (with key destinations including Radbrook Primary School, Meole Brace Primary School, and Priory Secondary School, as well as the Radbrook Green shops, post offices and key services), and the Bowbrook and Copthorne areas to the north (with key destinations including the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Oxon Primary School and key services).