News from our partners: Pregnant women encouraged to get free flu vaccination
News from our partners Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP)
Health leaders across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin are encouraging pregnant women to get their free flu vaccination as soon as possible to protect themselves and their babies.
Pregnancy naturally weakens the body’s immune system and, as a result, flu can cause serious complications which include premature birth or the baby having a low birth weight.
The flu vaccination in pregnancy gives mums and their unborn babies the very best protection from the harms of flu.
The free vaccine is available from GP surgeries and, due to coronavirus, staff will be giving the vaccine wearing protective equipment and all the necessary measures will be in place to make sure the flu vaccine is given in a safe environment.
Dr Julian Povey, Chair, of NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) CCG and NHS Telford & Wrekin CCG, said:-
“There is strong evidence that pregnant women have a higher risk of serious illness as a result of flu compared with the general population.
“The flu vaccination is a safe way of protecting pregnant women from the flu, and in pregnancy the flu antibodies are transferred through the placenta to the baby, which gives the baby some protection against it for the first few months of life.
“Pregnant women are a priority group for a free flu vaccination, so if you are expecting a baby, please speak to your GP practice or local pharmacist as soon as you can. The flu vaccination is the safest way to help protect you and your baby against the flu virus.”
Rachel Robinson, Shropshire Council’s director of public health, said:-
“Having a flu vaccination in pregnancy is more important than ever this year, no matter how many months pregnant or how fit and healthy you are.”
Liz Noakes, Telford & Wrekin’s Director of Public Health, said:
“If you are pregnant you need the flu vaccine now. Whilst the threat may be invisible, the protection is clear. Help protect yourself and your baby by getting a free flu vaccine.”
Pregnant women should ask their pharmacist or GP about the free flu vaccine.
Further information
Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) is made up of health and care commissioners and providers.
Partners include Shropshire Council, Telford & Wrekin Council, NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Telford & Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group, Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust.
Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin STP has been created to encourage health and care organisations to work more closely together to improve outcomes and care for local people, reduce pressures on services and make best use of our financial resources.
It sets out ambitious plans for transformed neighbourhood services; safe and effective hospital care; ways in which new technology can be harnessed; and how gaps in the workforce can be filled and financial resources better spent.
Shropshire, Telford & Shropshire STP is one of 44 sustainability and transformation partnerships across England.
For more information about the flu vaccination in pregnancy:
For more information about COVID-19 and pregnancy:
The Shropshire Council website contains information and links to the public flu leaflets including different formats and languages.