Applications going to Central planning committee on 29 August 2019
The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 29 August 2019 at 2pm.
The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. To see the full agenda and reports, click here.
Mary Webb Library, Lythwood Road, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury (19/01859/OUT) Outline application (all matters reserved) for residential development including demolition of existing library building.
Proposed vicarage south-west of Christ Church, Glebe Road, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury (19/01865/FUL) Erection of one residential dwelling with integral community facilities; to include removal of trees and other tree works.
Bayston Hill Youth Club, Lythwood Road, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury (19/01866/OUT) Outline application (access for consideration) for the erection of Scout and Guide headquarters building; including demolition of existing building.
Former Oakland County Primary School, Glebe Road, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury (19/01873/OUT) Hybrid (full and outline) application for residential development (outline) and the erection of community building with car parking (full).
Land to the rear of 239 Wenlock Road, Shrewsbury (19/02898/FUL) Erection of 1No dwelling and formation of vehicular access.
Holiday lets at Black Lion House, Church Pulverbatch, Shrewsbury (19/03076/VAR) Variation of Condition No. 2 attached to planning permission 11/05008/FUL dated 18 January 2012 to regularise the internal construction and configuration and to reflect changes to the applicant’s business plan.
Decisions will be made available after the meeting on our online planning register which you can search by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.