07/06/2018 - Permalink

Council confident of a bright future for Shrewsbury

Related topics: Partner organisations

Earlier this morning (Thursday 7 June 2018) it was announced that department store chain House of Fraser will be closing 31 of its stores across the country, including Shrewsbury.

Nic Laurens, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for economic growth, said:

“We were saddened to hear the news this morning. We will be working with the store to ensure that staff are aware of the help and support available to them at this uncertain time.

“We will also be working with our partners, including the Shropshire Business Board and Shrewsbury Business Improvement District (BID), to continue to grow the town.

“Shrewsbury has a lot to offer and is a place which visitors flock to, to experience its individuality and history, as well as its excellent shops and eateries.

“We have exciting plans for the future and we’re confident that, together, we can build on the town’s prosperity by investing in the amazing businesses we have and encouraging others to invest.”

Shrewsbury town centre

Shrewsbury town centre