04/10/2017 - Permalink

Decisions made by South planning committee on 26 September 2017

Related topics: Community / Democracy / Planning

The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s South planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 26 September 2017.

  • Brian Mear (Bricks) Ltd, The Brick Library, Bromfield Road, Ludlow, SY8 1DN (16/04716/VAR) Variation of Condition No.2 (approved plans) attached to permission 14/00563/FUL dated 03/08/2015 to allow for underground fuel storage tanks to be approved by Environment Agency in place of semi-submerged tanks with additional parking at ground level. Decision: That, as per the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
  • Land west of Water Works, Hopton Wafers (17/00766/FUL) Modification to previously approved (13/05064/FUL) to allow for the erection of one dwelling with single storey rear extension and roof terrace and re-positioning of approved garage (plot 3 only). Decision: That, as per the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
  • Proposed affordable dwelling north of Spring Vale Farm, Occupation Lane, Chelmarsh (17/02441/FUL) Erection of an affordable dwelling, with detached double garage, alterations to existing vehicular access and installation of a septic tank. Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be granted, subject to: A Section 106 Legal Agreement to ensure the dwelling remains an affordable dwelling in perpetuity; That planning officers be granted delegated powers to attach appropriate conditions relating to materials, drainage, landscaping, boundary treatments, floor levels, maximum 100 sqm gross internal floor area and any other conditions and informatives deemed necessary; A condition to ensure that the section of existing shed within the application site boundary is used solely in connection with the trade or business of the occupier of the affordable dwelling; and Removal of Permitted Development Rights.

For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.