11/01/2017 - Permalink

Decisions made by South planning committee on 10 January 2017

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s South planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 10 January 2017.

  • Land adjacent to Sainsbury’s supermarket, Old Smithfield, Bridgnorth (16/02739/FUL) Decision: That, in accordance with Shropshire Council’s Constitution, consideration of this planning application be deferred to a future meeting, with members minded to refuse the application for the following reasons: The Committee acknowledges that the proposal would provide additional retail choice in Bridgnorth Town Centre, but the loss of car parking spaces and the uncertainty of the impact on independent traders in the Town Centre would be contrary to Core Strategy Policy CS15 and paragraph 27 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
  • Walkhamwood Farm, Faintree, Bridgnorth, WV16 6RQ (15/05330/EIA) Decision: Deferred to a future meeting to enable further consideration of additional representations.
  • Withies Campsite, Stretton Road, Much Wenlock (16/03878/FUL) Decision:That, subject to the decision not being called-in by the Secretary of State, Planning Permission be granted, as per the officer’s recommendation, subject to The conditions as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, subject to:Condition 3 being amended to read, “No more than 4 shepherds huts, 5 touring caravans and 16 tent pitches shall be provided/sited within the application site at any one time.”Appropriate conditions being amended/added to ensure that the external surfaces of the roof area of the facilities and storage building and the shepherds huts be BS18B29; and

    Improved signage directing walkers/pedestrians to Blakeway Hollow.

For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.