Job Fair at The Centre in Oswestry on Thursday 24 November
Job hunters and people interested in volunteering are being invited to a Job Fair that will be held at The Centre, Oak Street, Oswestry on Thursday 24 November from 10am to 2pm.
Job Centre Plus and local businesses will be sharing the current work opportunities they have to offer, and there’ll be a chance to speak to the local businesses direct – and make that great first impression – plus find out a little about the business and what the role entails.
Supported by QUBE, the Fair will also be hosting groups looking to recruit volunteers, and many wonderful and exciting opportunities to give back to the community will be on offer. Volunteering can be a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and, if you are job hunting, gain real life experience and gain up-to-date reference opportunities.
There will be information on training opportunities from a wide range of organisations including local education providers, giving people the chance to find out what they can do to make themselves more employable.
And benefits advisors will be on hand to give you information on how training or volunteering would affect your benefits, or even calculate how much better off you would be in work.
Shropshire Council’s Early Help staff will be present to help advise on what is available for your children if you return to work. They’ll be sharing their volunteering and training opportunities, and offering advice on choosing the right placement for your child and where to find out more.
If you are a local business or organisation and would like to get involved with the event please email