05/05/2011 - Permalink

Housing projects could move forward

Related topics: Community

Plans to provide housing for elderly people could still take place in the future, despite the withdrawal of Government funding.

Seven sites across Shropshire were originally earmarked for 400 Extra Care homes, which were aimed at providing independent living for people with particular healthcare needs, but the Homes and Communities Agency withdrew the £137 million of funding towards the end of last year (2010).

Since the Government withdrew the funding, it has become clear that the previous plan of developing the Extra Care homes through a PFI scheme is no longer a possibility.  Therefore, the council is looking to work with a range of partners to provide Extra Care homes in different ways.

A report to the council’s Cabinet on Wednesday 11 May 2011 recommends that developers and other organisations are invited to bid for the seven sites, either for Extra Care housing or alternative development.

Councillor Simon Jones, Cabinet member for adult services, said:

“It’s very early days, but we want to talk to people about the options that may be available.  It was disappointing that funding was pulled for the council’s Extra Care housing scheme, but we have been encouraged by the fact that there are other providers who want to develop Extra Care facilities in the county.”

Councillor Malcolm Price, Cabinet member for housing and planning, added:

“It’s important we make the best use of these sites, whether it is for Extra Care housing or some other kind of development.  However, I would stress that any future development would need to go through the usual rigorous planning process.”