Decisions made by North planning committee on 27 October 2015
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 27 October 2015.
- Land to the north of Moor Farm, Baschurch (15/01805/FUL) Installation of a solar park with an output of approximately 3.75 MW on land associated with Moor Farm. Decision:
That planning permission be granted subject to:
- The Conditions as set out in Appendix 1;
- An amendment to Condition 8 to require no above ground building work to commence until a landscaping scheme has been submitted and approved in consultation with the County Arboriculture Officer, and the approved landscape planting has commenced; and
- Subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement to provide for off-site landscaping and long term maintenance.
- Castlefields Car Park, Mereside, Ellesmere (15/02681/FUL) Change of use of existing car park to a holiday park of 20. no. lodges. Decision:
That planning permission be refused in accordance with the officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:
- The proposed development site is in a sensitive location being within the Ellesmere Conservation Area, close to a Scheduled Ancient Monument and within a relatively undeveloped area which has High Level Stewardship of the land. In addition given the topography of the site the proposed lodges would be visible from outside the application site and have a significant visual impact from the adjacent footpaths and as such will detract from the overall rural landscape and the setting of the Mere and its surrounding area. There are also concerns in relationship to the economic impacts with concerns about the loss of the car parking facility. Therefore the proposal is considered contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS5, CS6, CS8, CS16 and CS17 of the Shropshire Core Strategy and Policies MD8, MD11, MD12 and MD13 of the Council’s emerging SAMDev.
- Insufficient information has been submitted with the application to comply with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework. This results in it not being possible to fully assess the impact of the proposal on the heritage asset and the setting of the Conservation Area. Therefore the proposal is contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy CS17 of the Shropshire Core Strategy and Policies MD11, MD12 and MD13 of the emerging SAMDev.
- It is considered that the loss of and significant impact to the natural and historic environment out weights the social and economic benefits of the proposal and as such the proposal is considered contrary to Policy CS17 of the Shropshire Core Strategy, Policies MD11, MD12 and MD13 of the emerging SAMDev and the overall aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework
- Proposed dwelling rear of 26 Edgeley Road, off Rydal Avenue, Whitchurch (15/03326/FUL) Erection of a detached dwelling. Decision:
That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation subject to:
- The Conditions set out in Appendix 1; and
The applicant entering into a S106 agreement to secure an affordable housing contribution.
- Proposed dwelling north of Bryn Benlli, Turners Lane, Llynclys (15/02054/OUT)Outline application for the erection of one dwelling to include means of access together with installation of septic tank. Decision:
That planning permission be refused in accordance with the officer’s recommendation for the following reason:
- The proposed development is located within an area defined as open countryside for planning policy purposes and accordingly would lead to sporadic development in the open countryside that would undermine the “rural rebalance” approach to development. In addition, this proposal would represent a sporadic, undesirable and unwarranted addition to an existing pattern of scattered development and would fail to comply with adopted policies CS4 and CS5 of the Core Strategy and M7a and S14.2(viii) of the SAMDev and in particular Government advice as contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (in particular paragraph 55) in relationship to sustainable development.
- Lower House Farm, Plas Cerrig Lane, Llanymynech, SY22 6LG (15/01557/EIA)Construction of two poultry sheds and feed bins, ancillary works, access improvements, erection of biomass building and associated landscaping. Decision:
That Members delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to grant planning permission for the proposed development subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix 1, an additional condition relating to site levels and any modifications to these conditions if considered necessary by the Head of Planning Services.
- Land to the north of Moor Farm, Baschurch (15/01805/FUL) Installation of a solar park with an output of approximately 3.75 MW on land associated with Moor Farm. Decision:
For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.
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