Applications going to Central planning committee on 11 December 2014
The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 11 December 2014 at 2pm.
The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. To see the full agenda and reports click here.
Proposed closure of New College Road, Shrewsbury, at Wenlock Road, Shrewsbury end. Decision: That the proposed Traffic Regulation Order and permanent closure of New College Road for access by all motor vehicles at its junction with Wenlock Road, Shrewsbury shall not proceed and the committee request that an experimental Traffic Regulation Order and closure be implemented instead, which includes a six-month consultation period and will allow the impacts of the closure to be assessed. |
Former Shelton Hospital, Somerby Drive, Shrewsbury, SY3 8DN (14/02402/FUL) Conversion of former hospital building(s) and outbuildings into 158 apartments and houses to include some demolition; formation of parking areas, courtyards and community gardens; erection of 82 dwellings with associated garages and parking; provision of new vehicular access and alterations to existing vehicular access; provision of new bowling green, associated works and pavilion; to include the felling of some trees, erection of protective netting adjacent to cricket pitch (Amended description). Decision: That this application be deferred to allow the applicant to produce revised plans to address aspects of Sports England’s objection. |
Proposed residential development opposite The Crescent, Nesscliffe, Shrewsbury (14/03357/OUT) Outline application for the erection of up to 39 residential dwellings; change of use of land for community development serviced site; School drop-off / pick-up facility; with open space landscaping buffer (to include access). Decision: That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation, subject to:
Proposed residential development to the north west of Ford, Shrewsbury (14/03451/FUL) Erection of 2 no. dwellings with associated garages; formation of vehicular access. Decision: That, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons: The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposal would be represent an unacceptable encroachment into open countryside, isolated from essential services and facilities along an unlit and unpaved highway leading to reliance on private motor vehicle. Accordingly the proposal would fail to satisfy the three dimensions to sustainable development defined within the National Planning Policy Framework: the economic, social and environmental roles. Given the council’s current five year housing land supply position, the proposed scheme is not considered necessary to meet Shropshire Council’s housing development requirements or the community’s needs in terms of health, social and cultural well-being and would therefore undermine the strategy for the location of housing. Accordingly, the proposal would fail to accord with the aims and requirements of saved policy H3 of the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Plan, adopted Core Strategy policies CS4, CS5, CS6 and emerging site allocation and management of development policies MD1 and MD3. |
Princess House, The Square, Shrewsbury (14/04383/FUL) Conversion of the existing office space and extension to provide 50 no. residential apartments together with secure storage facilities and restaurant unit at ground level. Decision: That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation, subject to:
A Section 106 Agreement to secure two affordable units. |
Decisions will be made available after the meeting on our online planning register which you can search by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.