03/12/2014 - Permalink

Applications going to South planning committee on 9 December 2014

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s South planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 9 December 2014 at 2pm.

The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.  To see the full agenda and reports click here.

Land at Rhea Hall, Rhea Hall Estate, Highley (12/02334/OUT)  Outline application for residential development with all matters reserved.
Bradley Farm, Farley, Much Wenlock, TF13 6PE (14/02127/FUL)  Construction of an equestrian centre to include: main facilities building incorporating reception, offices, changing rooms, therapy room, toilets, boiler room, viewing area, stables, stores and indoor arena; outdoor manege; carriage track; paddocks; two field shelters; vehicle parking, pa Construction of an equestrian centre to include: main facilities building incorporating reception, offices, changing rooms, therapy room, toilets, boiler room, viewing area, stables, stores and indoor arena; outdoor manege; carriage track; paddocks; two field shelters; vehicle parking, package treatment plant; surface water attenuation pool and associated drainage; formation of access and highway improvements; and landscaping.ckage treatment plant; surface water attenuation pool and associated drainage; formation of access and highway improvements; and landscaping.
Wenlock Edge Inn, Easthope, Much Wenlock, TF13 6DJ (14/02184/FUL)  Erection of two tourist accommodation blocks with meeting room; creation of parking areas; demolition of derelict outbuilding; and installation of sewage treatment plant (amended description).
Land at Heath Farm, Hoptonheath (14/03290/EIA)   Construction of four poultry sheds and feed bins, ancillary works, formation of new vehicular access, erection of biomass building and associated landscaping.
Proposed solar farm to the west of Sheriffhales (14/03444/FUL)   Installation and operation of a solar farm and associated infrastructure.

Decisions will be made available after the meeting on our online planning register which you can search by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.