Central planning committee decisions – 7 November 2013
The following planning decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting on Thursday 7 November 2013 in Shrewsbury.
Proposed residential development site off Shillingston Drive, Berwick Grange, Shrewsbury – 11/03087/OUT
Outline application (access) for residential development (including affordable homes); creation of vehicular access and estate roads; creation of an ‘eco-park’ and play areas.
Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to:
(i) A S106 Agreement to secure community benefits in accordance with Shropshire Council’s adopted policies; and
(ii) The Area Planning Manager be given delegated authority to vary conditions, subject to them not being substantially different to those stated in the report.
Land east of The Beacon, Copthorne Road, Shrewsbury – 13/02251/FUL
Residential development comprising 21 retirement apartments with communal facilities; formation of vehicular and pedestrian accesses, associated car parking and landscaping.
Decision: That this application be deferred, to enable further negotiations to be undertaken with the applicant to explore changes to car parking arrangements and the repositioning of the access/egress onto Copthorne Road.
Land west side of Hanwood Road, Shrewsbury – 13/03285/FUL
Residential development of 118 dwellings (including 15 affordable units); provision of open space and associated landscape and infrastructure improvements.
Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to:
(i) A S106 Agreement, S278 Agreement and CIL payments to secure financial and infrastructure contributions towards the following heads of terms associated with the whole of the Bowbrook/Radbrook preferred option site:
- Strategic Road Network
- Town-wide highways network and sustainable transport
- Local road network
- Subsidy to local bus service
- Community facilities (education contribution and on-site play provision)
- Affordable housing
ii) The amended and deleted conditions as set out in the Schedule of Additional Letters; and
(iii) The Area Planning Manager be given delegated authority to vary conditions, subject to them not being substantially different to those stated in the report.
Land south of Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury – 13/03534/OUT
Outline application (access) for residential development; vehicular access, estate roads and associated highway works; landscape works including countryside park, informal open space and children’s play surface.
Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, subject to:
(i) A S106 agreement, S278 Agreement and CIL payments to secure financial and infrastructure contributions towards the following heads of terms associated with the whole of the Bowbrook/Radbrook preferred option site: –
- Strategic Road Network
- Town-wide highways network and sustainable transport
- Local road network
- Subsidy to local bus service
- Community facilities (Education contribution and on-site play provision)
- Affordable housing
and Shrewsbury Town Council (or other appropriate management body) taking control of the countryside park, nature conservation area, wildlife corridor and public amenity open space areas within the development; and
(ii) The Area Planning Manager be given delegated authority to vary conditions as detailed in the Schedule of Additional Letters and relating to the maintenance of the open space and play areas if necessary, in the light of ongoing discussions with the applicant and Shrewsbury Town Council.
The Music Hall, The Square, Shrewsbury – 13/03889/COU
Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the Change of use from D1 (Non-residential institutions) to A1 (Retail) (Retrospective).
Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.
12 Partridge Close, Shrewsbury – 13/03903/VAR
Removal of Condition Nos. 6 and 7 attached to Planning Permission 11/04245/FUL for the conversion and two storey extension of double garage, to form self-contained annex so that it can be sold on the open market.
Decision: That, subject to a S106 Agreement to secure the relevant affordable housing contribution, planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation.
For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword