Fireworks at Gallows Bank in Ludlow went off with a bang
Over 300 people braved the weather to see the fireworks at Gallows Bank, Ludlow on Monday 28 October 2013.
The display lasted 20 minutes and was followed by refreshments by Grow, Cook, Share and the Ranger Guides at Rockspring Community Centre, where people had the chance to look at displays by local groups and projects, and youth workers from Ludlow youth centre provided Glitter Tattoos.
Tracey Huffer, local Shropshire Councillor for Ludlow East, said:
“The event was free to attend, with donations collected towards next year’s fireworks, and had a real community feel about it. We had asked for volunteers to help on the afternoon to put up the 300m of safety fencing, and several teenagers from the Sandpits Estate came with Richard from South Shropshire Youth Forum to help with the job: they then stayed on and were stewards on the evening. More local people and the Sustain Housing Support Team also came forward to volunteer as stewards.”
Sue Perry, Housing Officer at South Shropshire Housing Association, said:
“This is the second year we have organised this firework display, and it is a real team effort. Jubilee Fireworks gave their time for free to support this event, as did people from the Housing Association, Shropshire Council, Ludlow Guiding, the Foyer, South Shropshire Furniture Scheme and South Shropshire Youth Forum, and donations towards the cost of the fireworks came from South Shropshire Housing Association, Gallows Bank Trustees, Wesley’s Café and the Bronze Level Tasking partnership – so a big thank you to everyone involved in making it such a success again this year.”