Central planning committee decisions – 25 April 2013
The following planning decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting on Thursday 25 April 2013 in Shrewsbury.
The Old Three Pigeons, Nesscliffe – 11/04158/FUL
Erection of 2 No dwellings; formation of access.
Decision: REFUSED – contrary to the Officer’s recommendations for the following reasons:
The access is inadequate in terms of its specification and the approach to the dwellings through the pub car park is inappropriate in terms of its design and the setting of the proposed dwellings. Therefore, the proposed development fails to accord with the requirements of adopted Policy CS6 of the Shropshire Core Strategy.
The reduction in the size of the car park to accommodate the access to the dwellings, and the properties themselves, would result in inadequate spaces for the business, leading to inappropriate parking on the highway and within the car park leading to a detrimental impact on highway users and the residential amenity of the occupiers of the dwellings. Therefore, the proposed development fails to accord with the requirements of adopted Policy CS6 of the Shropshire Core Strategy
Residential Development, Land off St Andrews Road, Shrewsbury – 12/04677/FUL
Erection of three detached dwellings; associated parking and double garages.
Decision: APPROVED SUBJECT TO S106 AGREEMENT TO SECURE AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONTRIBUTION – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.
Proposed Residential Development, Land off Washford Road, Shrewsbury – 12/04866/OUT
Outline application for the erection of 6 no. semi-detached dwellings to include Access.
Decision: Consideration DEFERRED to the next meeting to enable Members to receive full details of the planning inspector’s decision dated 26th October 2012 to dismiss an appeal against the refusal of a similar proposal for the site.
33 Kennedy Road, Shrewsbury – 13/00156/FUL
Conversion of existing School buildings into 6 apartments with associated parking, after demolition of existing buildings, and addition of 2 homes with garaging.
Decision: Consideration DEFERRED to the next meeting for discussions to be held with the applicant on the repositioning of House B to enable retention of the Coach House at the site.
1 Red Barn Lane, Shrewsbury – 13/00223/FUL
Change of use of 2 holiday let properties to 2 dwellings.
Decision: APPROVED SUBJECT TO S106 AGREEMENT TO SECURE AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONTRIBUTION – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.
Belmont and The Mount, Horsebridge Road, Minsterley – 13/00455/FUL
Renewal of extant planning permission reference 09/03969/FUL for the formation of a new shared vehicular access.
Decision: APPROVED – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations, subject to the following additional condition:
The new access hereby approved shall be used solely to provide access to the residential properties referred to on the approved plans as Belmont and The Mount.
Reason: In the interests of the residential amenity of the occupiers of the dwellings.
Proposed Residential Development opposite Walford Heath Nurseries, Walford Heath – 13/00847/OUT
Outline application for the erection of four dwellings including two with detached garages (all matters reserved).
Decision: APPROVED SUBJECT TO S106 AGREEMENT TO SECURE AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONTRIBUTION – in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations
For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.