Applications going to North planning committee – 30 April
The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at the The Guildhall, Bailey Head, Oswestry, on Tuesday 30 April 2013, starting at 2pm.
The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. To see the full agenda and reports, click here.
Land to the East of Cliffe House Big Walls Ruyton XI Towns – 12/05197/REM
Application for consent of reserved matters (scale, appearance and associated landscaping) pursuant to outline permission 09/02729/OUT for the erection of 2 dwellings.
Glenside Whixall – 13/00325/FUL
Erection of (replacement) dwelling; detached single storey storage building to include bat loft.
The Stables Booley Road Stanton Upon Hine Heath – 13/00554/FUL
Formation of a manege with floodlighting.
Land South Of Hadley Farm Wrexham Road Whitchurch – 13/00656/FUL
Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling and double garage.
Sunnyside Hollinwood Whixall – 13/00778/VAR
Variation of Conditions No. 2 (approved plans) and No. 3 (removal of permitted development rights) attached to planning permission 10/02710/FUL to allow first floor windows to be changed to doors (including removal of unauthorised balcony guard rail and installation of solid infill to block external lower section of doors); removal of hedges to west boundary and retention of wall and removal of unauthorised boarded fence to northern boundary and replacement with hedge planted on original boundary; retain existing greenhouse and garden store and take down/reduce height of southern wall, planting of a hedge (amended application).
Sunnyside Hollinwood Whixall – 13/00779/FUL
Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for erection of greenhouse and garden shed; removal of hedges to west boundary and retention of wall and removal of unauthorised boarded fence to northern boundary and replacement with hedge planted on original boundary; and take down/reduce height of southern wall, planting of a hedge and erection of gate piers (retrospective) (amended application).
Tilings Whittington Road Gobowen Oswestry – 13/01005/OUT
Outline application with some matters reserved for a residential development and alterations to access road.
Decisions will be made available after the meeting on our online planning register which you can search by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.