08/03/2011 - Permalink

Put some extra pounds in your pocket this spring

Related topics: Leisure, culture and heritage

Did you know that every year UK homes throw away £12 billion in wasted good food – the same as £50 a month for a family?

We could all do with some extra pounds in our purse this year, and that’s why Shropshire Council is linking up with the 32 other local authorities in the West Midlands region to help you make the most of the food you buy and save money.

Launching on Pancake Day (Tuesday 8 March 2011), the West Midlands Love Food Hate Waste campaign will be running events such as talks and cookery workshops, offering inspiration and information across the region.

In Shropshire, the campaign will be launched on Tuesday in Ludlow’s Castle Square, when Shropshire Council will be holding a Love Food Hate Waste live event with Sunshine Radio.

From 11am until 3pm local chefs will be demonstrating their skills and giving hints and tips on how to save money on your food bill. The radio presenters will be competing in a pancake race.

The campaign will last for four months, helping residents make more of the food they buy, reduce food waste sent to landfill and save money.

Councillor Mike Owen, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for economy and waste, said:

“Councils across the West Midlands want to help everyone in the region make the most of the food we all buy and avoid throwing it away.  This will help to save the council money too, from not having to pay money to dispose of it.

“We throw food out for two main reasons: we cook or prepare too much, or food goes off before we’re able to eat it.  We think everyone can benefit from making more of the food they buy, and I look forward to learning some new recipes and tips myself.”

Joy Blizzard, waste initiatives officer with Shropshire Council, said:

“Research released by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) in 2009 showed that over 8 million tonnes of food and drink is wasted in UK homes every year – that’s enough to fill Wembley Stadium eight times.  Just think of all that good food and money going straight in the bin.

In fact it’s not just about saving money; the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food and drink waste is the equivalent of approximately 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year – which is the equivalent of 1 in 4 cars on UK roads.

Visit www.lovefoodhatewaste.com for more information on how to make the most of the food you buy and save money.

If your local community group would like to get involved in the campaign, please contact Joy Blizzard at Shropshire Council on 01743 255991.