04/03/2011 - Permalink

Shropshire news at your fingertips

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Want to know what’s happening at Shropshire Council?

Then Shropshire Newsroom will be the one stop shop for the latest news, podcasts and photographs of what is happening near you.

We have launched a new way to share our news with residents, local businesses and stakeholders in the county.  Shropshire Newsroom has been developed internally at no cost within the council and will give you the most up-to-date information at the touch of a button.

Hosting a variety of ways for you to access the information, you can view the council’s YouTube account, upload pictures from Flickr, and listen to the latest podcast while still accessing the latest articles and news stories.

Councillor Keith Barrow, Leader of Shropshire Council welcomed the innovative way to share news:

“Shropshire Newsroom has been developed for free by officers within the council and really is an excellent facility to catch up on what is happening in your area. With all the latest articles and photographs at the touch of a button, it really couldn’t be easier.

We are also developing further ways to let you know what we are doing, so have incorporated our YouTube account, which will host new initiatives, such as interviews with the local Members of Youth Parliament and any information videos we prepare; you can also access podcasts detailing further the work we are doing.  So, click over to the Newsroom and let us know what you think, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.  If you would like any further information, or to let us know what you think, please email: newsroom@shropshire.gov.uk.