Shrewsbury cycling numbers up as NICE report says active travel is vital to beating inactivity epidemic
The number of cycle journeys in Shrewsbury has increased by 15% since 2010, and cycling was given another boost in October 2012 with hundreds of people taking part in activities across the county for Cycle Shrewsbury’s third annual Love Your Bike Month.
The highlight of the month was a Halloween fancy dress cycling party at Shrewsbury Sports Village, in a programme of events including activities for schools, free cycle maintenance training, guided rides and the launch of new cycle route leaflets for Much Wenlock and Oswestry.
The important health benefits of active travel have been clearly stated in a recent report from a national watchdog. Cycling and walking need to be seen as the normal option for short journeys in order to avoid a national ‘epidemic’ of health problems caused by inactivity, according to the latest advice from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
The report from NICE highlights the health risks caused by a lack of regular exercise, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and calls for the needs of cyclists and pedestrians to be prioritised over motor vehicles in transport investment and planning.
The upward trend in cycling in Shrewsbury is very encouraging, but throughout Shropshire there are still many short journeys made by car which could be easily done by bike or on foot. Making the switch from driving to walking or cycling is healthier and saves you money, and helps to reduce congestion, pollution and carbon emissions.
Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for cycling, said:
“The latest evidence of a big increase in cycling is very good news, and reflects the commitment of Shropshire Council, through our Cycle Shrewsbury campaign and the work of Travel Shropshire, to achieve our aim of getting more people cycling, more safely, more often.”
Shropshire Council is committed to encouraging people to start regularly cycling through their Travel Shropshire project. Practical support on offer through Travel Shropshire includes regular free courses in basic cycle maintenance in Ludlow, Oswestry and Shrewsbury, organised group rides, and free one-to-one introductory cycle training for adults across the county.
More information about these initiatives, cycle route maps and lots of other useful resources can be found on the Travel Shropshire website at Travel Shropshire are currently offering free adult-size hi-vis vests to help cyclists stay safe during the winter months; for more details subscribe to the Travel Shropshire newsletter.