20/11/2012 - Permalink

Shrewsbury-wide LJC meeting on 29 November

Related topics: Democracy

The Shrewsbury-wide Local Joint Committee (LJC) is changing the format of their next meeting, to develop a forum to examine and progress issues across the town. 

The next meeting is on Thursday 29 November 2012 starting at 7pm at The Guildhall.

The main business of the meeting will be a forum discussion on the big issues, ideas and developments affecting residents, businesses and organisations in Shrewsbury.  The aim will be to explore opportunities to work more closely together to maximise the benefits which our ideas, efforts and investments can bring to the town and all those who live in, work in or visit it.

There will also be a special session where progress on the renovation of the Flax Mill Maltings will be presented, and all present will be consulted on what facilities and activities they would like to see incorporated in the plans for the future, so as to maximise its economic, social and cultural benefits.

Councillor Alan Mosley, Chair of the LJC, said:

“This promises to be a major event for Shrewsbury and I hope that many residents will come along to join in the discussion and have their say.  A large number of key stakeholders have indicated that they will attend.  I am determined that this will not merely be a talking shop, and that outcomes from the meeting will be reported to all relevant organisations and residents.  This will be followed up with a monitored action plan and regular updates.”

If you wish to have further information or have any issues raised, please contact Gill Jones, the community action team manager, on 01743 252344 or gill.jones@shropshire.gov.uk.