National and local research shows support for cycling
Cycling is sociable, keeps you fit, saves you money and is a convenient way of getting around.
These are some of the reasons why people choose to cycle, according to a new report from the Department for Transport (DfT) here. The report is based on interviews with people in Shrewsbury and the other “cycling towns” which received funding during 2008-11. The funding for Cycle Shrewsbury was the result of a successful bid from Shropshire Council.
The report shows that individuals choose to cycle based on a range of factors including: information about routes; personal circumstances; confidence about cycling; attitudes of friends, family and employer; and a desire to get fitter.
The findings give support to the approach of the Cycle Shrewsbury campaign which aims to overcome barriers to cycling in a number of different ways including:
- Improvements to local cycle routes, particularly better crossings (such as at Old Potts Way) and widening and resurfacing of routes (such as the Telford Way cycle tracks).
- A dedicated website, with comprehensive advice and information
- A Sustrans Bike It officer working in local schools and colleges to encourage parents, staff and pupils to cycle more
- Free adult cycle training
- Regular led rides aimed at people who want to get back to cycling
- A range of maps and leaflets showing recommended routes; plus an online cycle journey planner.
Cycling Towns funding finished in 2011, but Shropshire Council was successful in its bid to the Government’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund. As a result, Cycle Shrewsbury is continuing, and cycling promotion is up and running in Oswestry and Ludlow as well.
The first Oswestry Bike Fest was held in July 2012 and was attended by about 200 people. Interviews carried out at the event for Shropshire Council showed that:
- 80% of people want to cycle more in future
- 90% support initiatives to encourage more cycling locally.
Other interview findings were similar to the DfT report in terms of what motivates people to cycle.
Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for cycling, said:
“Both these reports are very encouraging. They show that we have made a positive start with our campaign to get more people cycling, more safely, more often, by giving practical hands-on advice and information to people of all ages – and also by giving people opportunities to enjoy the fun of cycling at special events such as Bike Fest.
“The detailed findings will help us with planning future activities in the three towns where our cycling promotion is concentrated.
“While the reports show that the number of people cycling can vary, we know that the trend in Shrewsbury in 2009-11 was upwards – there was an 8% increase in cycling during that time. We look forward to getting further reports from DfT in 2013 about the wider impact of Cycle Shrewsbury.
“We have all been inspired by the success of British Olympic cyclists –these reports remind us that cycling is an activity which almost everyone can take part in and enjoy; you don’t have to be super-fit or sporty.”