18/07/2012 - Permalink

Looking for ideas for the summer holidays?

Related topics: Community / Leisure, culture and heritage

Families looking for ideas for the summer holidays will be pleased to know Shropshire Council’s Family Information Service (FIS) will be launching their summer 2012 guide this week.

The online guide offers a fantastic range of activities and ideas to keep children and young people entertained over the summer season.  The 84-page guide covers events and fun activities organised for children, young people and families across the county.

Whatever parents choose to do this summer, if you are looking for a few activity days or full time care at a holiday play scheme, out of school club, or a childminder, our advice is to plan ahead and see what’s in our Summer Season guide.  You can find all the information you need in one place, making the summer holidays fun for all the family.

Families can also get latest updates and find out what to do this summer on FIS online directory.

The FIS has been established to help parents or carers make the best use of childcare and children and young people’s services available in their area. The service is continually working to expand the ways that parents and carers can gain access to quality information, advice and support that might otherwise remain unknown and therefore inaccessible to families.

Tina Woodward, Shropshire Council’s deputy Cabinet member with responsibility for customer care, said:

“The FIS directory is the place to go for information on what’s on for children, young people and families during the summer holidays.  The FIS has information on a wide choice of activities ranging from sports and outdoor, drama, arts, crafts, music, and dance. Information is also on hand about great days out which children and young people can enjoy by themselves or which families can enjoy together.

“Whether people are looking for a few fun activity days or full-time registered childcare this summer break, the FIS offers a fantastic service and wide range of information to let parents, carers and children know what is available in their area.”

Since its launch in 2000, FIS have dealt with 76,800 requests for information, and with the onset of social media channels, this figure is rapidly increasing.

The guide is available to download from the FIS blog http://shropshirefamilyinfoblog.com/ where you can also search the directory of latest information.  You can also call Shropshire FIS on 01743 254400.  

Further information

The FIS has been running for more than 12 years and since it was launched in 2000 it has dealt with almost 60,000 enquiries from families. The service was the first in the West Midlands to achieve the national Family First Award, which shows that the council delivers a quality service to families, in providing varied information, advice and assistance.

Shropshire FIS has been set up to help parents and carers make the best use of childcare and children’s services available in the county, providing information and advice on many aspects of family life.  The service offers comprehensive information on registered out-of-school clubs, childminders and day nurseries and pre-school playgroups.  Information is also available on children’s activity clubs and carer and toddler groups.