03/09/2024 - Permalink

Flag flies at Shirehall to mark Merchant Navy Day

Related topics: Corporate

To mark Merchant Navy Day today (Tuesday 3 September 2024) Shropshire Council is flying the Red Ensign at Shirehall in Shrewsbury in recognition of seafarers.

 The Seafarers’ Charity encourages organisations to fly the Red Ensign on Merchant Navy Day to remind people to honour and remember the sacrifices of the often forgotten, but very hard-working, Merchant Navy seafarers who are responsible for shipping over 95% of the UK’s trade. 

 The charity campaigns on safety, equality and working conditions for seafarers. 

Councillor Kirstie Hurst-Knight, who is an armed forces champion for the council, said:

“As a landlocked county we are especially proud to support Merchant Navy Day and to fly the Red Ensign outside Shirehall. The role of the Merchant Navy and the effect the seafarers have on our day-to-day lives is rarely recognised. 

“Goods are shipped around the world, but we rarely stop to consider how they arrive on our shores and in our homes, or the sacrifice of long spells away from family and friends the seafarers experience too. 

“It is also important to remember the role of the Merchant Navy in times of conflict and the support and bravery shown by officers and crews carrying on their work and assisting the armed forces.” 

Find out more about Merchant Navy Day and the Seafarers Charity