11/09/2024 - Permalink

Cabinet agrees new strategy to support independent living and specialist accommodation

Related topics: Housing

Shropshire Council’s Cabinet has today agreed to adopt the draft Independent Living and Specialist Accommodation Strategy 2023-2028.

The strategy, which sets out the vision and objectives for meeting the diverse housing needs of the county’s most vulnerable residents, was developed following an eight-week public and stakeholder consultation.

Shropshire’s Independent Living and Specialist Accommodation Strategy focuses on supporting people to live independently in accommodation suited to their needs, whenever possible, and helping to mitigate wider care demand pressures. It highlights the critical importance of housing as more than just shelter, emphasising the need for homes that meet various housing needs, especially for older people, those considered to be vulnerable, and people with disabilities.

The strategy covers a broad spectrum of vulnerable populations, including older adults, people with physical and mental disabilities, people with less visible disabilities such as neurodiverse conditions, or Crohn’s Disease, individuals with hidden disabilities, care leavers, survivors of domestic abuse, ex-offenders, and refugees. It identifies a range of housing solutions, from adaptations and accessible design, to supported and specialist accommodation, to cater to the unique needs of each group.

Feedback from the public consultation was generally supportive of the strategy and most positive about the vision to enable older, vulnerable, and disabled people to lead independent lives in housing suited to their needs. The strategy has been amended in response to some of the comments and suggestions received, such as clarifying the definition of accessible housing, highlighting the importance of intergenerational communities, and integrating domestic abuse awareness throughout the strategy.

The strategy also includes an action plan, which outlines the priorities for action and the expected outcomes for each objective. The action plan will be reviewed annually, to reflect changes in government policy and funding streams, and to monitor the progress and impact of the strategy.

Councillor Dean Carroll Cabinet member for housing and assets said:

“We are very pleased to approve this strategy, which demonstrates our commitment to improving the quality of life for our most vulnerable residents.

“We recognise that housing is not just about bricks and mortar but also about the quality of life, health, and wellbeing of our residents. We want to ensure that everyone in Shropshire has access to suitable and affordable housing that meets their needs and aspirations.

“This strategy sets out our vision and priorities for providing a range of housing options that are affordable, accessible, adaptable, and appropriate for our diverse communities.

“Our Independent Living and Specialist Accommodation Strategy will help us to achieve that goal, working in partnership with our stakeholders, service providers, and communities.”

For more information about the Independent Living and Specialist Accommodation Strategy, please visit Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 11th September, 2024, 10.30 am — Shropshire Council.