05/07/2024 - Permalink

General election results for North Shropshire, Shrewsbury and South Shropshire constituencies

Related topics: Democracy

In the three constituencies that are the responsibility of Shropshire Council, the results in the general election held on 4 July 2024 are:

North Shropshire

  • Baynes, Simon: Conservative – 10,903 votes
  • Cladingbowl, Samuel: Independent – 133
  • Emery, Craig: Green Party – 1234
  • Morgan, Helen: Liberal Democrat – 26,214
  • Rowley, Natalie: Labour – 3423
  • Whittle, Mark: Reform UK – 7687

Turnout – 64.1%


  • Applegate, Victor: Reform UK – 7524 votes
  • Bovill, Chris: English Democrats – 241
  • Buckley, Julia: Labour – 22,932
  • Dean, Julian: Green Party – 2387
  • Gollins, James: Independent – 177
  • Kawczynski, Daniel: Conservative – 11,577
  • Wagner, Alex: Liberal Democrat – 6722

Turnout – 67.6%

South Shropshire

  • Anderson, Stuart: Conservative – 17,628 votes
  • Green, Matthew: Liberal Democrat – 16,004
  • Shackerley-Bennett, Charles: Reform UK – 9171
  • Thomson, Simon: Labour – 6939
  • Wendt, Hilary:  Green Party – 1911

Turnout – 67.6%