Council to implement new Statement of Licensing Policy
Shropshire Council is implementing its new Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003 on Easter Monday, 1 April 2024.
The policy is fundamental to supporting the council in its aim to deliver a healthy economy in line with The Shropshire Plan; and specifically around promoting Shropshire as a safe, strong and vibrant destination to visit and invest.
The policy forms the council’s mandate for managing local licensable activities and sets out the council’s position on local risks and the expectations placed on applicants and licence holders to promote the four licensing objectives that form the cornerstone of the Act: namely, the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm.
The council is committed to supporting a vibrant, balanced and safe licensed trade. It seeks to curtail the potential negative outcomes that can arise from licensable activities and the licensed economy by providing advice and guidance to support existing and prospective licence holders, including those with personal licences and temporary authorisations, and ensuring robust and enforceable licences are in place.
The policy strongly encourages partnership working between council services and other external agencies and organisations, including applicants, licence and notice holders, responsible authorities, and local businesses and communities in order to deliver responsibly managed and safe licensed premises.
The council recognises it is also important to understand the positive contribution that well managed licenced premises bring in support of local businesses and the growth and prosperity of Shropshire’s economy.
Chris Schofield, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for planning and regulatory services, said:-
“The council is required to prepare a statement of the principles that will apply in exercising its functions under the Licensing Act during the next five years and to publish that statement. The council consulted on the policy with all responsible authorities as well as organisations who represent the interests of people carrying on licensable activities and organisations who represent people who are likely to be affected by the exercise of the council’s functions under the Licensing Act.”
Frances Darling, Shropshire Council’s head of business and consumer protection, said:-
“The preparation, consultation and publication process that has been undertaken is a legal requirement placed upon the council. However, this is not only about the council complying with its legal obligations. The policy is aimed at assisting all stakeholders to understand the council’s expectations in relation to the licensing of premises and events where licensable activities take place, and to provide specific guidance to help applicants effectively demonstrate how they will promote the four licensing objectives, which is fundamental to ensuring compliance with the Act.”
Roy Aldcroft, Chair of Shropshire Council’s Strategic Licensing Committee, said:-
“The Licensing Act covers a number of activities that affect us all as we go about our daily lives, from the bottle of wine that we buy at the supermarket to enjoy at the weekend, to the play that we go and see at the local village hall, to the drink we enjoy with friends at the local pub, and the wide range of takeaways that we buy from late at night. It is hoped that the council’s new policy will support both businesses offering these goods and services, and our local communities and residents.”
The policy is available on the council’s website at: Licensing Act 2003 | Shropshire Council
Further information on any matters relating to the policy can be sought from the licensing team at or on 0345 678 9026.