11/01/2023 - Permalink

New year and new beginnings for Shropshire print company as they become first tenant at Bishop’s Castle Business Park

Related topics: Economic growth / Partner organisations

Shropshire-based printing company VT Prints celebrated the New Year by receiving the keys to its new unit on the recently completed Bishop’s Castle Business Park last week.

Having previously occupied a smaller premises in Bishop’s Castle town, Dean Morris, founder of VT prints, has been keen to expand his business and move into the new business park.

Earlier last week, Dean accepted the keys to his new premises from Lucy Groves of Shropshire Council.

VT Prints staff

VT Prints receive the keys

Dean was excited about the move:-

“We have big plans for VT Prints. We needed more room and a more adaptable unit to create a working environment that matches our ambition for the business.

“One of the new 2000sq foot ‘grow-on’ units at Bishop’s Castle Business Park is perfect for us. It’s state-of -the-art in terms of commercial units. Moving there will allow us to introduce new products and provide an even better service for our many customers.”

VT Prints is a company that specialises in providing quality print services both in the UK and internationally.

Bishop’s Castle Business Park secured a £1.27 million European Regional Development fund in 2021, and Shropshire Council agreed to spend a further £3.1m on the project to boost economic growth in the region. SJ Roberts Construction Ltd were appointed to build the business park and it opened for new tenants at the end of 2022.

Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for growth, regeneration and housing said:-

“I wish Dean and the team at VT Prints all the very best in their new unit. We want to support economic growth and development in our market towns so our businesses can grow and thrive.

“I encourage any interested local businesses to visit the site to see what it’s all about. Not only is it situated in the vibrant town of Bishop’s Castle, but there is a dedicated local workforce and great connectivity across the county. Check it out, you will not be disappointed!”

Ruth Houghton, local Shropshire Councillor for Bishop’s Castle, added:-

“Congratulations to Dean Morris and his team  at VT Prints in becoming the first business to move into the new business park at Bishop’s Castle. I wish VT Prints every success as they grow and develop their business.”

Further information about the units available can be found here: https://www.investinshropshire.co.uk/locations/bishops-castle-business-park/  or contact the Shropshire Council estates office on 01743 281082 or email: estates@shropshire.gov.uk