03/01/2023 - Permalink

Librarian Chris tracks down Santa and saves the day for baby and toddler group

Related topics: Leisure, culture and heritage

Shropshire Council mobile library driver Chris Wood stepped up to give Santa a helping hand just before Christmas and saved the day for parents and children in Llanymynech.

Chris was undergoing training in the driving seat of the mobile library when he heard Santa wasn’t going to be able to make it in time to visit the baby and toddler group in the village hall and he stepped up a gear to help out.

Charlotte Pryce and her daughter Eira enjoyed Santa’s visit after Shropshire Council mobile library driver Chris Wood saved the day

Charlotte Pryce and her daughter Eira enjoyed Santa’s visit after Shropshire Council mobile library driver Chris Wood saved the day

Charlotte Pryce, from the baby and toddler group, said:-

“Chris kindly stepped in to help and Santa was able to deliver all of the presents after all. I can’t thank him enough as there would have been some disappointed little people if Santa hadn’t appeared!

“Chris saved Christmas at the last session of the year and did an amazing job! We gave him some mince pies as a thank you and let him know he is an honorary member of Llanymynech baby and toddler group and is always welcome to pop in on a Thursday for a hot drink.”

Chris added:-

“Poor Santa must have been working so hard and it didn’t look like he was going to be able to make it. I was so glad I was able to help and Santa was able to make an appearance and deliver the gifts to the baby and toddler group in time.”

Rob Gittins, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for culture and digital, said:-

“Thank goodness Chris was able to save the day.

“He is a credit to Shropshire Council’s libraries team, and his generosity in finding a solution to the problem demonstrates the strong sense of community spirit that is so important to our libraries across all our communities.”


Caption: Charlotte Pryce and her daughter Eira enjoyed Santa’s visit after Shropshire Council mobile library driver Chris Wood saved the day