Last few days to give us your views on budget plans
Many people have so far given their views on Shropshire Council’s budget plans for the next five years, and there’s a few days left for you to have your say.
The consultation is on the plans to make over £50 million of savings from the council’s budget and bring this into balance is open until Monday 30 January 2023.

Budget consultation 2023/24
Most of the savings proposed will come through a transformation and efficiency programme that will save £50.6 million in the next year, reducing costs while protecting services as far as possible, particularly those for the most vulnerable.
Ongoing impacts of the pandemic and broader economic conditions, particularly the effects of inflation and rising energy costs, are at the root of the budget challenge facing the council, with inflation alone having a £43 million impact on the council.
Pressures are continuing from increased demand for services, particularly for social care, which accounts for around 75% of the council’s budget; while new pressures linked to the cost of living are seeing more demand for services from residents.
Much of the focus will be on greater efficiencies in services, together with some difficult decisions in what is the last chance to achieve a sustainable budget for Shropshire Council.
Give your views by Monday 30 January 2023 on the proposals at Budget consultation 2023/2024 | Shropshire Council