Shropshire’s arts community invited to online Arts Cafe event
Shropshire Council – in partnership with Creative Lives – is holding an online Arts Café event on Tuesday 26 July 2022 at 6.30pm, with local arts organisations and professionals invited to join.
The event will look at:-
- Partnership working with other arts professionals, the community and other sectors.
- Researching and applying for funding.
- How art and culture can be a catalyst for positive change within a place or community.
Nicola Winstanley, Development Officer (West Midlands) with Creative Lives, will share some guidance on co-creation, creative placemaking and approaches to funding.
There will also be case studies from across the UK, and there will be time to discuss ideas and approaches specific to Shropshire.
To join, please email for a Zoom link.
The Arts Council’s new strategy “Let’s Create” emphasises the importance of creativity in everyday life, and challenges artists to think about how they can open up their practices to allow more people to embrace creativity.
Creative Lives is a registered charity that was established in 1991. It champions community and volunteer-led creative activity, and works to improve opportunities for everyone to be creative. In particular, it celebrates and promotes people expressing themselves creatively with others, recognising the benefits this can bring. For more information visit