Call to Landlords to check EPC rating on property
Shropshire Council’s Regulatory Services are reminding private landlords that they should not be continuing to rent out their homes if they have an EPC rating of F or G or they could risk a fine of up to £5000.
An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document showing the assessed energy efficiency of a home. It uses an A – G ratings system which allows prospective owners and tenants to consider the affordability of a home in terms of the likely heating and lighting costs. An EPC survey must be carried out by an accredited domestic energy assessor.

EPC rating
The call out follows changes to the Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 and The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES).
MEES came into effect in 2018 with the aim of improving private rented housing to at least an E rating wherever possible. From 1 April 2018, the MEES have required private landlords of homes rated at (EPC) Bands F or G (lowest rating) to improve their property to E before issuing a new tenancy on it, unless they obtain an exemption. From 1st April 2020 this extended to include existing tenancies (as long as the property has an EPC).
A dwelling meets the MEES if it has an Energy Efficiency Rating of Band E or above and can continue to be rented out.
The MEES apply to the following domestic tenancies:
- an assured tenancy
- a regulated tenancy
- a domestic agricultural tenancy
- if the property is legally required to have an EPC
There are exemptions for properties which are legally required to have an EPC, and which are let on a relevant tenancy type, but cannot be improved to meet the standard. There is an exemption’s register and landlords are reminded that relevant supporting evidence is required, whenever a relevant exemption is registered.
Shropshire Council officers have been working on EPC data from a national database and contacting Letting Agents and Landlords to identify and advise owners of what they need to do to comply with these regulations.
Without an EPC rated E or above, landlords face civil and criminal penalties for signing a new tenancy, or renewing an existing tenancy, from 1st April 2018. There are fines of up to £5,000 per property for landlords that are found in breach of the legislation.
Get help meeting energy efficiency standards
The good news is that there are national grants available for landlords to make improvements to help improve the energy efficiency of rented properties; this assistance is subject to certain stipulations and conditions. Under Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) the government expects landlords to have spent up to £3,500 to improve the energy performance of E, F or G rated properties.
These grants offer the opportunity to install these measures for a contribution of as little as £1,000.
Councillor Steve Charmley, Cabinet Member with responsibilities for Physical Infrastructure and Built Housing said:
I would really encourage landlords to ensure their properties comply under the ‘Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards’ (MEES) legislation.
With Climate Change being one of the greatest challenges we face, more extreme weather is likely to generate higher maintenance and insurance costs for landlords and higher utility bills for tenants and we all have a part to play in reducing the carbon emissions, which are responsible.
Housing accounts for around 30% of Shropshire’s carbon emissions but reducing heat loss through better insulation and installing more energy efficient and low carbon heating and lighting will help to significantly reduce them.
Whether you’re a landlord, homeowner or tenant, you may be able to take advantage of some great offers to improve the energy efficiency of your home and reduce your energy bills at little or no cost.
For more information on specific eligibility or to be referred into a scheme please contact us:
- On our website
- By email:
- By phone Keep Shropshire Warm on 0800 112 3743
For more detailed information surrounding EPC requirements please see the Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 here.
You can also contact our Regulatory Services Team at or call 0345 678 9000