Shropshire Council’s new Cabinet confirmed
Shropshire Council has today *Thursday 20 May 2021) confirmed the names and responsibilities of the councillors who will sit on the council’s Cabinet.
The Cabinet is the part of the Council which is responsible for most day-to-day decisions.
At a meeting of the full Council at Theatre Severn today, the following councillors were formally appointed to their new posts on Cabinet. Three deputy Cabinet members were also appointed.

Shropshire Council’s new Cabinet, photographed at Theatre Severn on 20 May 2021
Lezley Picton: Leader, and Cabinet member for improvement
Steve Charmley: Deputy Leader, and Cabinet member for physical infrastructure, highways and built housing
Deputy Cabinet member: Richard Marshall
Gwilym Butler: Cabinet member for resources
Deputy Cabinet member: Jeff Anderson
Dean Carroll: Cabinet member for adult social care, public health and assets – including population health and integration
Rob Gittins: Cabinet member for digital, technology, data and insight
Kirstie Hurst-Knight: Cabinet member for children and education
Deputy Cabinet member: Nick Bardsley
Cecilia Motley: Cabinet member for communities, place, tourism and transport
Ian Nellins: Cabinet member for climate change, natural assets and the green economy
Ed Potter: Cabinet member for economic growth, regeneration and planning
Lezley Picton, the new Leader of the council, said
“There is much to do and, together with my Cabinet, we will be working very hard to continue promoting a healthy population and building a healthy economy for Shropshire.
“My Cabinet are a new team of people from different backgrounds, with very varied skills and experience. I am sure we will also bring new ideas, fresh approaches and enthusiasm, and a desire to work very closely with our residents, our businesses, our communities and partners and our staff to achieve our goals.”
Further information
Cabinet’s primary roles are to lead in the preparation of the council’s policies and budget, to lead the community planning process and to ensure the attainment of best value. A full list of its functions and delegations to individual members of the executive can be found in the council’s Constitution.
The Cabinet and individual councillors have to make decisions which are in line with the council’s overall policies and budget. If they wish to make a decision which is outside the budget or policy framework, this must be referred to the Council to decide. Decisions made by the Cabinet, including individual councillors, are subject to ‘call-in’.
The Cabinet is made up of up to ten members, one of whom, the Leader, is elected by Council for a 4-year term of office. The other members are appointed by the Leader.
The Cabinet meets on dates agreed by the Leader, and meetings are open to the public.